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Download Customised Icons & Attributes


Icons used by all of the IBM i2 software can be customised as a BMP image (accessible by all of the IBM i2 software) and/or as a PNG image (accessible by Analyst's Notebook and iBase).


In order for all of the customised icons to be accessible by ALL of the IBM i2 software AND by all users on the same machine, the BMP and PNG images should be placed in specific folders. While customised icons can be placed in the User's My Documents folder, this is only accessible by THAT user only and only for Analyst's Notebook.


Note: Do not place BMP images in the C:\ drive PNG folder and vice versa. If you do, you won't see either of the images in Analyst's Notebook.


Due to a restriction on the host server, I can't show you BMP files on this web site. Therefore, all the download buttons on this web page will redirect you to my Google Drive where you will be able to download either individual files or the whole set.

PNG Icons

When Analyst's Notebook version 8.5 was released, the program introduced high quality icons with a PNG format.


If you want to create your own customised versions of PNG icons, i2 support advised clients to use the free application called to create your own PNG icons as other applications may not create PNG versions that recognised by the IBM i2 software.


In order for all users on the same PC and all i2 applications to access PNG icons on the same machine, PNG icons should be placed in the following folder:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\i2 Shared\Images 8.5\Basic\Icons

BMP (Screen) Icons With Transparency

In order for BMP images to have transparency, a special fuchsia colour background is used. This allows users to see past the square shape of the icon image to the background behind.


In order for all users on the same PC and all i2 applications to access the customised BMP icons, the transparent BMP icons should be placed in these two folders:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\i2 shared\Images 7\Basic\Screen\Icons

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\i2 Shared\Images 8.5\Legacy Support\Basic\Screen\Icons

BMP (Printer) Icons Without Transparency (White Background)

Traditionally, icons with a white background were placed in the Printer folder. However, you can always use the same transparent icons as the screen icons in the printer folder as well.


The file sizes of the printer icons can also be up to 4 x larger than the ones used in the screen folder. This means that if the icons are printed out larger than x 1 enlargement, there is less pixelation on the printout.


In order for all users on the same PC and all i2 applications to access the customised BMP icons, the printer versions of the BMP icons are placed in these two folders:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\i2 shared\Images 7\Basic\Printer\Icons

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\i2 Shared\Images 8.5\Legacy Support\Basic\Printer\Icons


The attribute symbols that are distributed with the IBM i2 software may have the same low quality / pixelated image as older versions of Analyst's Notebook. You can create your own customised BMP to use for attributes.


If you do modify the attribute BMP while retaining the same file names, when you upgrade your application software, the distributable version will overwrite the customised version. For this reason, keep a backup version of customised attributes in a separate folder which should then be copied back AFTER software upgrades so that you retain your customised versions.

Attribute BMP Files

Similarly to icons, in order for the attribute BMP images to have transparency, a special fuchsia colour background is used. This allows users to see past the square shape of the icon image to the background behind.


Attribute symbols are accessible by ALL of the IBM i2 software.


In order for all users on the same PC and all i2 applications to access the customised BMP attributes, it is recommended that you use the SAME attribute BMP file and place them in both of these folders:


C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\i2 shared\Images 7\Basic\Screen\Attribs

C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\i2 Shared\Images 7\Basic\Printer\Attribs

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